Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Better Together by Jack Johnson
Thursday, November 08, 2007
looking for sunrise
One of my friend ask me why I keep on smoking. Actually there's a lot of answer for his question but I tell him one thing, I just didn't know how to stop something I've started. It just stuck and become a part of me. My family knows about it and I've been given health dan financial lectures. Most of the time, i just silence myself, but you know me, a rebel inside.
Anyhow, i'm taking this opportunity (because i'm still alive) to appologize to anyone I've hurt before. I know that all the people around me says that I live in my own stupid world, but the thing is, all I really want is for them and all my friends and families to be happy. I never meant to make you all sad.
I would also want to take this chance to say that I'm not a bitter or a cynical person. I'm actually someone who is still learning. I don't have the answer for all the question and it does frustated me. Usually, i put the question in art form and it become even more sick or maybe, too abstract. I try not to think about it but ignorance is not a fucking bliss. Where I like it or not, I'm living in it and I'm really sorry about it.
I can't tell whether I'm really going to become a smoker forever. I do appreciate life and I'm trying hard to do good changes bit by bit. One thing I can tell you, changes didn't happen instally. It's something like staring at sunrise. Without you even really notice it, the darkness has gone and you find yourself under the sun.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
me dad
I could say that my dad is someone who is quite conservative. That value have been applied in the family and that is the reason why I always have that moral conscious ringing in my head. I remember that one of my sister have ask his permision to become a stewardess or maybe a secretary. Off course, that request had been denied. Now she's a teacher with three kids. Me? well he maybe doesn't really know what 'mass comm world' is all about. Heck, even I don't know what mass comm is when i apply it.
Now, i've been observing. Sometimes I just can't figured out how my mom was attracted to my dad. I know this topic somehow resembles Back To The Future Trilogy but it's true. My mom, if i could describe it, she's somehow belongs to the popular group. I noticed that womans always surrounds her and want to have conversation. My dad, in the other hand, is someone who can be really quiet in the crowd although he seems eager to join in. This is quite odd i presumed.
Now, back at the topic of the father and son conversation, I had it while I'm driving the car and he's sitting beside me. At that time, we are on the way back from a 'BIG' family reunion. In that function, I've been told about how influential and famous (not rich) my late great grandfather was from my uncles, cousins and how do say 'datuk sedara' in english. The thing is, i feel it isn't fair that I know all about my great grandfather but I didn't know a thing about my late grandfather and my father himself.
I urged my father to tell me about his life back then. My father didn't show any emotion but the story is quite sad. He tells me that my grandfather passed away when he was just seventeen years old. He's the eldest son and below him is two of my auntie and my uncle. All together, he must take care of five people including my grandmother and his older sister. Taking care of the family is hard enough already but what is more complicated is that my grandfather didn't left them a house.
My grandad is very 'warak' and he is a khalifah for a tariqat. because of this lifestyle, he prefers that his family to stays at the madrasah. my father explain, is not that my grandad didn't want to build a house but the project was delayed because of the japanese occupation and he died without abbling to finish it. Now here's the part where i also feel angry. After my grandad had passes away, the villagers and some of relatives were bitching to my dad about how his family didn't have a house and had to 'tumpang' the madrasah. They say things like where are my aunties are going to get married if they just kept on staying at the madrasah.
My dad, off course was furious with all those rubbish statement. How does he react? He do feel low but he determined to build a house for the family. And so, he work hard and save as much money as he can. He's not a university graduate and earn monthly maybe RM200 at that time. He's also not a businessman but he's very disciplined in saving all the money he got. He builds part by part starting from main pillar, to roof and to walls. He couldn't afford to built it straight away, because of the financial problem, and so the project was delayed from time to time but it finished and my dad finally have a house for his family.
Now, the funny twist in this life sees that none of my aunties married at that house and nobody of the family really stayed. They all move on out from the village with their new life, including my dad, but he somehow managed to prove to the villagers that the family have their house and all those fucking people that have been bitching should shut their fucking mouth.
I now realized, that what my mother had seen in my dad is his determination. He maybe just a low rank goverment servant but he managed to save money to own some properties. My family is still not very rich or glamourous as other people are, but my dad really have a good character inside him. He puts his family first before him and he determined to make sure all of him siblings and his daughters and sons have their education. His strength maybe is his weakness also, but that is what makes him the person today. woooorghhh, suddenly i'm feeling goosebum, my dad in fact, is a cool guy. what i can say more, i'm his son anyway.
Friday, November 02, 2007
bawah rembulan
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
de ej of inersen
Right now, my company is doing its big shuffles among the staff. The problem is that they like to do it very often. They don't need even a year to transfer someone. It doesn't have any formula, the top guys just shuffle it like we are poker cards. I don't know what is my fate, it's always unpredictable. I wonder if they have bureau at the artic, they also wouldn't hesitate to shuffle mens over there. This shuffle thing is not something to be argued, either you obey or get lost.
Because of this reason, i never let myself too complecent at JB. I'm here as a stranger and forever I will be it. Like many other places in this world, JB does have it excitements but it also have it shits, plus the cost of living is quite high. and another thing, everyone over here just always fancied about Singapore. Therefore, there are no reason why i should be romantic about it. As long as i can do my job, that is who i am.
Do I love my job.. hmmm... that's a though question. I guess a job is always a job. I observe that all of my officemates have their own reason to work at the company. Beside it is something they are really good at, it maybe because of the money for the family. A good wage is hard to earn especially for the semi-profesional like us. I just can't push my luck like my younger days.
The time of dreaming had passed. It's the moment of riding the waves and I must be very careful about it. One mistake and it surely cost a lifetime. I learn about it the hard way, i guess, that's why in these times, you just see me as a cool blooded person. I remember that I can be someone who is really stupid and I really don't want to be in that position again.
In so, what is going to happen next? It seems that is always question and more question. Have I answered it all? I just let the journey tells it. Who knows, maybe one day, i might settle down and open that book-coffee shop. It's a nice dream that i've kept all this time. It doesn't have any politics. And I don't have to think about all those shuffling crap. I just focus on making my customers happy and the bussines runs well. hmmmmm.. I know it's a denial from what i'm living right now, but then, what better things I should think about. Now you tell me.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I got that sms from my little sister yesterday. It does make me silence for a while. I think it's nice for her to remind me about it. Although arwah alang is no longer with us, i do feel her presence in the family... and we all, still misses her
Monday, October 29, 2007
talking about it

However, love also have its' nonsenses. I'm not in the mood of stating it here, but you know what i mean if you ever been in love. Most of the time, i told other people that i don't want to think about it, but i lied, a heart is not a rock, and no man is an island.
Talking about the mystery of love, i'm still in the research and development department about it. I'm not talking this matter on subject of adam and eve only, but more of love as a whole. I always like people that are passionate in whatever they are doing. It is because it shows that they have a big heart in them, and that heart is feel with love. One thing i observe, people that are filled with love, doesn't really talk bullshit. They are talking real things but maybe there's a slight problem in circumstances and character department.
Why am i writing this matter? I don't know. I want to talk to someone about it but I don't think there's anybody around me shared that same thinking. It's always me and the wall. But then, the wall doesn't talk back, it just keep on staring. I maybe should talk with the plants more often, at least i know they need some sunshine, water and care. good night and sleep tight.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
mengalirnya sungai kopi
Lewat kini, aku banyak mendiamkan diri. Pemikiran aku sarat dengan falsafah yang bila-bila boleh dicampakkan ke tong sampah. Aku tidak mahu terbabit dalam realiti. Ia menyakitkan lagi membosankan. Aku cuma mahu kopi dan sebatang rokok yang menyala. Biarkan aku tenggelam dalam pemikiran, sama ada ia akan terjadi atau tidak.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
How Do You Keep The Music Playing
How do you keep the music playing?
How do you make it last?
How do you keep the song from fading too fast?
How do you lose yourself to someone?
And never lose your ways
How do you not run out of new things to say?
And since we're always changing
How can it be the same?
And tell me how year after year
You're sure your heart will fall apart
Each time you hear his name
I know the way I feel for you
It's now or never
The more I love the more that i'm afraid
That in your eyes I may not see forever..
If we can be the best of lovers
Yet be the best of friends
If we can try with everyday to make it better as it grows
With any luck, then I suppose
The music never ends
I know the way I feel for you
It's now or never!
(How do you keep the music playing?)
The more I love the more that I'm afraid
(How do you make it last)
That in your eyes I may not see forever
(How do you keep the song from fading, keep the song from fading too fast)
If we can be the best of lovers
Yet be the best of friends
If we can try with everyday to make it better as it grows
With any luck, then I suppose
The music never ends
Saturday, October 13, 2007
selamat hari raya buat a'wa'k di sana
*ps : maaf zahir batin dan jaga diri baik-baik
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
rehab mata pejam
Thursday, September 13, 2007
selamat berbuka puasa ;)
Sekarang ini, aku sudah bosan semua itu. Ia hanya makanan, tidak lebih dari itu. Melainkan kawan-kawan aku ajak, baru aku pergi, kalau tidak, aku lebih selesa berbuka dengan sedikit juadah di bazar ramadan yang aku tapau. kalau di pejabat, aku mungkin akan berbuka kat mamak jer. Melainkan mungkin, kerana tugasan, aku akan berbuka di hotel.
Teori aku tentang semua ini, aku sudah letih dengan syurga yang dunia cuba wujudkan. Bagi aku sama sahaja semua, asalkan perut berisi. Aku dulu pernah juga berbuka kuih jer kat tembok tepi jalan. Dan aku juga pernah buat muka tembok berbuka bubur lambok kat surau. (ahli kariah mesti pelik tengok anak sapar ni) Secara kasarnya, sama sahaja kesudahannya, perut kenyang juga. Aku tidak meminta lebih. Cukup sekadar mencukupi.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
glimpse of joyness
Monday, August 27, 2007
selepas kemusnahan
Radio yang dibeli dengan gaji pertama itu menyanyikan lagu, sedikit sebanyak ia memecahkan kesunyian. Terfikir untuk berlari tetapi sudah terlalu malas. Aku membaringkan diri pada tilam yang tebal hanya seinci. Melihat siling, aku terkenang bulan dan bintang disebaliknya.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Yuko and Hiro
This is my work place
And these are the people I work with
Yuko and Hiro
We work together
We work for the company
That works to the future
We work hard to please them
They will protect us
I never see you
We're never together
I'll love you forever
I drink in the evening
It helps with relaxing
I can't sleep without drinking
We drink together
From monday to saturday
I go to my workplace
But on sunday we are together
Yuko and hiro
I never see you, I never see you
We're never together, we're never together
I love you forever
I never see you, I never see you
We're never together, we're never together
I love you forever
*Don't ask me about what this song want to tell, even up until now, I don't know what it really means. but somehow, i find there's something really beautiful in it. Something that makes me play it over and over again. hmmm...
Friday, August 24, 2007
belok kanan jumpa terang
Aku mungkin sebenarnya sudah terlalu biasa dengan kehidupan seperti ini. Masih lagi aku ingat bagaimana ketika di tingkatan satu, aku akan selalu memanjat tingkap untuk duduk di bahagian luar koridor tingkat tiga bangunan asrama. Seorang diri, aku merenung matahari terbenam dengan memikirkan kenapa budak-budak seusia aku begitu kejam. Aku mahu berada dalam kegembiraan bukannya dalam pergelutan. Sejak itu, dunia tidak lagi seperti mana aku pernah sangka dan ia berterusan sehingga kini. Aku tidak simpan dendam tetapi kegirangan bukanlah diri aku sepenuhnya lagi. Banyak bahagian dalam diri ini aku sembunyikan. Sesekali aku bersuara dan mereka tertawakan aku. Tiada dendam, aku sengaja melakukannya supaya aku tahu aku masih wujud.
Bukannya aku hendak mengenepikan rahmat-rahmat yang pernah membelai tubuh kurus ini, namun banyak waktu, aku tertangguh dalam persimpangan. Kompas aku sering bergantung pada nasib. Namun dalam usia dewasa ini, aku bagai merasakan jarum kompas itu berpusing gila ke semua arah. Tiada ketentuan. Aku terlalu takut untuk menghentikan jarum itu kerana nasib aku terletak padanya. Akhirnya aku menutup kompas itu. Oleh kerana ketentuan itu belum tiada, aku memutuskan untuk ingin melihat sejauh mana nasib nyawa ini.
Dengan tidak meletakkan pertaruhan tinggi, aku menyimpan harapan kecil dalam hati dua separa bulat tepat ini. Aku bukannya seorang pejudi yang baik. Sering sahaja aku melihat not-not seringgit aku berterbangan dengan kepaknya. hampeh betul. Tapi dalam banyak waktu, aku mengintai harapan aku itu, girang sebentar rasanya sebelum kembali ke realiti. Bumi bulat ini tidak pernah sunyi daripada kejutan namun ia sentiasa kembali kepada kenangan dan harapan yang membuat aku rasa manusia kembali.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
the rainbow connection
Why are there so many songs about rainbows
and what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
and rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we've been told and some choose to believe it.
I know they're wrong, wait and see.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Who said that every wish would be heard
and answered when wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that and someone believed it.
Look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us star gazing
and what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
All of us under its spell.
We know that it's probably magic.
Have you been half asleep and have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name.
Is this the sweet sound that called the young sailors.
The voice might be one and the same.
I've heard it too many times to ignore it.
It's something that I'm supposed to be.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Friday, August 10, 2007
back here
finding myself in a place where i can't speak,
complete numbness,
i let my fingers to take a walk,
while my ears are busy capturing complicated noises,
my eyes are easily distracted by colors,
they say colors brings life,
well i do see the colors in them,
i just don't know what color i am,
should it be what is supposed to be,
or there's no trully an answer for it,
Am i predictable for this?
in tiredness i open my eyes
just to show you i'm still breathing
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Thursday, August 02, 2007
conversation with god
Monday, July 30, 2007
ke dalam -perspektif - letakannya
Thursday, July 26, 2007
this is a going to be a long one
I am totally disturbed with what goings in my mind. Not to say that i'm crazy or some sort of that but my mind speaks crazy with me lately. To be true, this mind thing has been forever. People arounds me know about it but they didn't say about it. But like one of my friend told me, i'm living in a two different life. I stop that conversation quickly because i didn't want to make that topic goes further. I mean, for surely, he didn't want to hear all those weird theroies i got in my head. And i didn't what the conversation goes about how melancholic and infine sadness my life is.
So, here I am, sorry blog for causing you to carry that burden. It is a good thing that we didn't have an two-way communication. If that does happen, i surelly hope that we chill about it and you don't take it seriously. Come on, all of the people in this world got their own problem. But the things, i don't go to bars where i can say to the bartender, 'this is a going to be a long night'. And another thing is, do i look a person who mediates calmly in the mosque?, because if you realized, i wake up 2.00 pm on last Friday. Yuppp... that's the shit i am. Damn fucking shit.
If i can conclude my life is... i'm someone who picks up anything that had touch my life. I don't know what's really inside me. Off course you heard people that say 'just be yourself' ... what fuck is that, what fuck i am. How can I be myself when I don't know who the fuck I am. You got what I mean blog, or the fact I'm writing this shit just show how self-absorbed I am actually. fuck. fuck. fuck.
I don't know why suddenly I felt very cold. Is it the aircond? or the beatles songs that are being played? or that i'm actually shivering inside. You know what is great right now, a cup of a hot coffee, about ciggarettes, eventually there's one stucking in my mouth.
The thing is blog, maybe my true wish from all this madness is that i want to have a clear mind or another better way of saying, i want to have a clear soul. I want an ability to capture a moment right at that moment. I don't want to be busy doing nothing and finally realized, it is in the past. I want to have a clear mind about my future, my past and my present.
And another thing blog, i wish i don't have to write to this stuff to you blog. Because it's all just what trap inside my mind. I have no intention to share it with others, neither with you. I'm doing fine with my life. Although, i wake up late everyday, i still have my job. I also have hobbies to fill up my time. There's also friends that i can go hangouts. I read books and that surely makes me some sort of knowledgable (yeargh... right, i'm still dumb as primary school student by the fact that i can't found a place which is only 5 km from my office) I guess what we are sharing over here is because i want to be heard and also ignored at the same time. I don't want to burden anybody. I just want to... what we should say.. chill. Yup, that's the word. In certain time, I want to chill.
Life will just goes on. The sun will rise and the moon will also gazes at night. I don't want my head will only goes about my senseless big stupid question. I want to write something what is outside my life (what the fuck, that's what my job is) Not that i'm not proud of what I'm doing, it just I realized that it will take a long time before i can get promoted. I should search something that i could really stick into. Writing fiction I presume. huhuhuhu. Where dreams becomes reality. Yupp, that is what my head is fill with... dreams. and in a way, it does bothers me. owhh.. fuck. here we go again. but then again, let's just chill about it. You do know the thing we talk is just what in my mind :)
tata blog and good morning to you.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
dialog lewat malam di sebuah pejabat
mil : Kau kena tanya tuhan
pi : Okay, kau tahu tak untuk apa kau dilahirkan di dunia ini
mil : Menangis
pi : Kau cakap kau lahir ke dunia ini untuk menangis
mil : Menangis, tidur dan hisap susu mak
pi : Aku tanya kau tak tujuan hidup kau
mil : Aku tak ingat masa bila aku mula-mula dapat berfikir tapi rasanya selepas aku dapat berjalan
pi : Macam ini, kau hidup untuk makan atau kau makan untuk hidup
mil : Ada ker orang yang hidup untuk makan
pi : Ada, tukang masak, dia hidup bekerja bagi orang makan
mil : hmmm....
pi : hmm....
Kedua-duanya diam tiba-tiba dan pi kembali duduk di mejanya.
pi : c**ai larrrr lu!!!! (dengan nada guraunya)
Aku tahu kawan aku itu tension ngan aku tapi selepas itu aku dengan tenang dapat sambung semula lakukan apa yang patut dilakukan. Sorri beb, lain kali gua layan lu betul-betul... wokeih
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Musim Panen
Suatu hari aku akan bertemu kehidupan di dalam diriku,
Suka cita yang tersembunyi di dalam kehidupanku,
Meskipun hari-hari mempersulit jalanku dengan debunya yang tak berharga,
Aku telah tahu unsur-unsurnya,
Dan nafasnya yang tak teratur menerpaku membuat pikiran-pikiranku sesaat merasa harum,
Suatu hari aku akan bertemu kegembiraan tanpa diriku yang berdiam di belakang tirai cahaya,
Dan akan berdiri di kesunyian yang meluap di mana benda-benda akan tampak sebagaimana mereka tampak di mata penciptanya
Nasib yang terbaik dari dunia ini akan datang dari tanganmu; begitulah janjimu,
Karena cahamu berkilauan dalam air mataku,
Aku takut jangan sampai aku yang merindukanmu dan sedang menunggumu di salah satu sudut jalan untuk menuntunku, akan dituntun oleh orang lain,
Aku melangkah di jalan yang kupilih sendiri hingga perbuatanku yang sangat bodoh ini menggodamu mendatangi pintuku
Karena aku memegang janjimu bahawa nasibku yang terbaik ini akan datang dari tanganmu
*aku sentiasa kagum dengan Tagore dan aku juga amat menghargai penterjemah puisinya ini. Walaupun aku masih belum benar-benar faham apa yang cuba diperkatakan, aku tetap jatuh cinta dengan apa yang ditulisnya.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Buat Percaya
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
''Ada satu titik hitam yang masih belum hilang lagi,'' kataku.
''Aku tidak dapat melihatnya,''
''Ia masih ada di situ,''
Aku tidak sabar lagi. Aku mengambil kain yang ada cuba melenyapkan titik itu. Selembut-lembutnya aku mula membersihkan. Namun ia masih ada. Aku menonyoh sekuat-kuatnya. Ia masih belum cukup lagi. Aku mengambil berus sabut. Aku memberuskannya sekuat hati sambil mencurahkan air berkali-kali. Berapa banyak peluntur aku guna, aku sudah tidak ingat lagi sebab aku dah mencampurkan semuanya. Aku lakukan semuanya berulang kali. Tubuh aku makin penat tapi aku teruskan. Sehinggalah aku terdengar deringan sebuah jam loceng. Aku terhenti. Perlahan-lahan aku menoleh ke belakang dan memalingkan diri.
''Adakah titik itu masih ada,'' dia bertanya lagi.
''Aku tidak tahu,''
Thursday, July 05, 2007
5) Walking After You by Foo Fighters (116 time's being played)
4) Fuck Was I by Jenny Owen Youngs (198 time's being played)
3) 69 Police by David Holmes; Ocean 11 Soundtrack ( 215 time's being played)
2) Without Us by Johnny Matthis & Denise Williams; Family Ties theme (240 time's being played)
and the number one in my playlist is.......
1) I'm so tired of being alone by Al Greene (333 time's being played)
*All those songs played a bit part as a soundtrack of my life.... not really, i just like to play it countinously according to the mood i'm in. The standing always changes except for al greene (what can beat a good soulful oldies). While the highest chart jumper is the Family Ties theme since i just added it two months ago (It is a lovely 80's song).
Anyway, right now, my playlist showed that i've 1,984 songs. 'And Now' I know why I always come home late. I wonder what if my company knows that i used their pc to download songs, hmmm... i still think that is not a really strong argument to fire an employee. muahahahaa
Monday, July 02, 2007
buka mata awak
Kelam. Gelita. Dunia yang terang tadi, dalam sedetik bertukar gelap. Aku tidak dapat lagi berpijak pada bumi nyata. Tubuhku tiba-tiba jatuh ke satu jurang yang amat dalam. Rokok di bibir tadi terus sahaja melayang. Terasa angin dari bawah menolak-nolak mengherotkan mukaku. Tubuhku terus berpusing-pusing. Aku cuba memaut kepada apa sahaja yang dapatku capai. Usaha aku sia-sia dengan aku terus jatuh menjunam ke bawah.
Alam masih gelap namun aku tahu aku telah sampai ke dasarnya. Aku melihat ke atas. Ada satu cahaya yang amat kecil. Halusnya bagai satu titik. Adakah ini kematian? hatiku berbisik perlahan. Adakah ini balasan untuk apa yang aku lakukan selama ini. Tidak dapat aku baca apa yang cuba diberitahu. Bagi aku, kegelapan ini satu penjara. Tiada lagi indah langit. Tiada lagi indah senyuman. Aku melutut menyedari semua ini satu kesepian.
Aku tidak dapat mengira lagi berapa hari aku terperangkap dalam kegelapan. Lubang sempit itu tetap mengepung jasadku.Tiada makan. Tiada minum. Aku bagaimanapun telah menghabiskan kesemua sembilan batang rokokku dengan mancis yang ada. Sesekali aku melaungkan maaf. Aku membebaskan semua kesesalan. Aku manusia yang tetap tidak lari dari kesilapan namun bukankah kita sepatutnya belajar daripadanya. Atau.... atau.... atau kesilapan-kesilapan itu terlalu besar sebenarnya.
''Buka mata awak,'' aku bagai tidak percaya tetapi aku seperti dapat mendengar satu suara. Bisiknya lembut bagaikan seorang kawan lama yang aku kenal dahulu.
''Buka mata awak,'' suara itu keluar lagi tetapi aku masih tidak dapat melihatnya dari mana. Dalam keadaan yang gelap-gelita, bukankah tetap sama samada aku membuka mata atau tidak.
''Buka mata awak!,''
Gelap, masih lagi gelap. Namun aku dapat melihat kembali bilah-bilah cahaya. Sedikit demi sedikit aku dapat merasakan sesuatu. Mataku berpinar dengan semuanya tampak kabur. Aku mengosokkan mataku berkali-kali dan akhirnya aku dapat melihat diriku berada di sebuah taman permainan. Ada terdapat beberapa kanak-kanak yang sedang asyik berkejaran. Aku tersenyum melihat mereka. Satu usia yang cukup aku rindukan.
Aku melihat ke sebelah mana tahu ada siapa-siapa di sisi. Nyata sekali tiada. Aku masih lagi keseorangan. Namun begitu, ada sebatang rokok tersepit di celah jariku. Aku menarik asap tembakau Dunhill sedalamnya dan menghembuskan tinggi ke atas. Aku membuka mataku seluasnya. Sekurang-kurangnya aku masih ada lagi indah langit.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Saturday, June 02, 2007
secebis daripada waktu
Malam itu aku cuba untuk melelapkan mata. Aku buaikan otak aku dengan benda-benda besar dan benda-benda kecil. Jasad aku memang terbaring tetapi tiada roh terangkat. Ingatan aku lalu melayang kepadanya. Menjemput aku dan menolak aku pada masa yang sama.
''Kau tahu bukan, kita sudah berjarak jauh. Kau dalam haluan kau, aku dalam haluan aku, kita berdua telah menjadi orang yang berbeza,'' beritahu dia pada aku.
Langit pada ketika itu menutup senja. Warna-warna merah dan kuning membelah langit yang semakin menghitam. Di satu padang hijau yang luas, hanya wujud aku dan dia. Berbual dalam satu realiti yang tidak pernah hadir. Dia merenung aku. Matanya masih lagi tajam dan ayu seperti dahulu. Aku mendongak ke atas dan kemudian menunduk ke bawah kembali.
''Aku sedar tentang semua perkara yang berlaku. Aku yang memutuskannya awal dahulu dan aku yang menanggungnya kini.
''Aku tahu tentang keadaan ini, aku tahu tentang semua kesudahan ini, cuma aku ingin beritahu,
Aku tidak pernah mahu semua ini,''
Jawapan itu tidak pernahnya lengkap. Aku diam. Kembali ke perbaringan yang gelap, aku berseorangan membisu. Bintang-bintang tiada menyapa. Bulan hanya tunduk bisu. Aku memejamkan mata, meminta waktu cepat berlalu.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
pecah kepala
Soalan-soalan besar seperti itu sentiasa tersangkut dalam kepala aku. Sebagaimana sebuah rumus yang sepatutnya dapat merangkumkan persoalan dan penyelesaiannya. Bagaimanapun aku tidak fikir hidup adalah lebih perkara-perkara tersebut. Masih ada banyak lagi perkara kecil yang sebenarnya membawa kepada makna besar.
Baru-baru ini aku cuba pecahkan kepala otak aku. Masa itu aku sedang menikmati makan tengahari. Aku perhatikan pada pinggan yang berserta nasi dan lauk-pauk aku ambil. Aku kemudian mengambil masa untuk berfikir, berapa banyak tangan sebenarnya terlibat dalam menyediakan makanan aku ini.
Aku cuba senaraikannya satu per satu. Buat permulaannya kita ada tukang masak dan orang yang meletakkan nasi ini dalam pinggan. Itu sudah dua. Belum pecah kepala lagi. Mari kita pecahkan lagi. Sebagai contohnya, nasi, mesti ada penanam benih padinya, penuainya, tukang angkut beras ke kilang, tukang periksa kualiti, tukang masukkan ke dalam guni, tukang buat guni, tukang buat label, tukang hantar ke gudang, pemandu treler, pemandu lori, pemborong, kelindan, peruncit, tokey kedai dan pembantunya yang memasak nasinya. Itu dah 15 orang tapi aku rasa lebih.
Sekarang mari kita lihat pada kesemua lauk yang ada. Emm.... tak mengapalah, memang pecah kepala punya. Rangkumannya mungkin ada dekat seribu tangan rasanya. Aku katakan 1,000 tangan sebab aku sedang memperkatakan perkara ini dalam konteks produk itu mesti disentuh atau melalui seseorang. Banyak bukan. Mungkin ini dikatakan hidup dalam bermasyarakat.
Hendak tak hendak, kita saling memerlukan kerana setiap seseorang menyentuh kehidupan mereka lain. Oleh kerana itu, kita jangan memandang hina kepada penyapu-penyapu jalan misalannya. Pekerjaan yang mereka lakukan itu menyentuh hidup beratus-ratus orang yang melalui lorong yang disapu itu. Sumbangan mereka itu besar walaupun kita sering kali merasakannya kecil.
Buat ketika ini, aku sedang memikirkan bagaimana untuk memberi sumbangan yang lebih besar menerusi hidup aku. Aku sedar pekerjaan yang aku lakukan sekarang menyentuh banyak hidup orang (walaupun kebanyakan dekat luar sana tu tidak percaya apa aku tulis sebenarnya) namun aku rasa aku perlu mengejar sesuatu yang lebih besar. Aku tidak jumpa lagi hasil yang betul-betul dapat aku banggakan sampai mati. Aku tidak fikir aku akan jumpanya namun bila bercakap tentang hidup, perjalanan untuk mencapai apa yang kita mahu adalah perkara yang akan kita kenang selamanya.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Supposed To Be
Maybe this is how it's supposed to be
This is how it's supposed to be
Maybe it's trapped in a jar
Something we've already seen
Maybe it's nowhere at all
Maybe this is how it's supposed to be
This is how it's supposed to be
Looking forward as we rewind
Looking back is a trap sometimes
Being here is so easy to do
If you want to
*although i have the album one year before, this song touches me recently. I always forget to be in the present because of the future and the past.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
make love not war
Berbuat baik di dunia, balasannya di akhirat? Begitukah kesudahan untuk semua kebaikan yang dilakukan? Aku cuba untuk melihat perkara ini secara positif. Namun disebabkan mood aku yang kurang baik, mungkin aku agak sukar melihatnya dengan jelas. Rasa marah meluap-luap kerana manusia tak henti-henti membuka kemarahan aku. Tidakkah dapat mereka belajar dari sejarah, atau nafsu serakah hati busuk menjadi kompas mereka selama ini.
Hidup seorang diri aku mula belajar untuk memekakkan telinga aku ini. Aku padam apa yang aku tak suka dengar. Aku ambil apa yang aku boleh belajar. Bagaimanapun, mulut manusia tak henti-henti untuk memperkatakan apa yang kita tidak mahu dengar sebenarnya. Mereka kata ia tidak lebih daripada mengusik tapi cuba aku lempang muka dia sekarang ni, ada dia orang kata ia tidak lebih daripada mengusik. Sakit hati sebenarnya mendengar kata-kata umpatan. Kalau orang lain menjadi mangsa kita bengang, inikan diri sendiri. Kenapalah aku tidak boleh memilih kawan-kawan aku?
Namun bagaimana jika api melawan api.... aku sering memikirkan teori itu. Sayangnya, kejadian aku dari Tuhan tidak dengan mulut lepas. Dia bentuk aku menjadi pemendam dengan semuanya disimpan erat sehingga sampai waktu untuk diletupkan. Hari demi hari aku merasakan aku berjalan dengan hati yang cukup sarat. Aku tidak larat memikul semua yang dipendam tapi aku tidak tahu dimana untuk dilepaskan. Aku mohon sebenarnya untuk diri aku menjadi sejuk dan tenang kembali. Aku tak sanggup menjadi pemarah yang tak tentu hala tujunya. Marah biar bersebab, aku fikir. Marah biar kerana pendirian bukan kerana kebodohan. Aku tidak apa untuk diperkatakan lagi. Kata-kata aku bersimpul jadinya. Masalah belum selesai.
Monday, April 09, 2007
we are not saint nor devil
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Dreaming With A Broken Heart

When you're dreaming with a broken heart
The giving up is the hardest part
She takes you in with your crying eyes
Then all at once you have to say goodbye
Wondering could you stay my love?
Will you wake up by my side?
No she can't, 'cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone....
* this John Mayer song really hit me hard. Sometimes I do wish I don't have to wake up from a beautiful dream. I want to stay in that dream
Sunday, April 01, 2007
story of the night

Maybe because this thing that i'm writing down over here concern very much about what's inside my heart. The sentimental thing that every proud ego man most oftenly avoid it. Talking about love. Yuppp, that's the thing.
You see, my case is similar with everything that you watch in movies or read in a book. Boy meets Girl. Boy fall in love with the Girl. Suddenly, they're in neverland. But then, something bad happen, more of an earthquake or tsunami if I can methaphore it. Things start falling down, and what supposed to be a happy story turn out to a sad ending. Both Boy and Girl become heart broken and their path is no longer together.
I summarized everything in a five line paragraph. Surely it's not enough but i guess you got the picture. The thing that i've been through is like a common thing for every one. I guess everybody have their own version of the story but the plot is still the same. I guess.
So how's life after a relationship. It's kinda hard to explain it. From my perspective, I see it as I'm living a full and an empty life both at the same time. I'm living a life that demands commitment from it (job, family, friend) but surely from time to time, I feel really lonely.
Everytime my mind was brought to the memories of the bad moment (in the relationship), i can't escape the fact that I do have good moment. It's like being in heaven and hell both at the same time. Still i see her more of an angel. Someone that I can hold on tight to get through a cold and shivering night. A year has gone by. But here I am, typing out melancholy of my past love. Surely miss her a lot. And that explain why I'm here typing something in my blog.
Well, I've said it. Now it's time to go home and sleep. Tomorow i still got a work to do. Living a life that i felt full and empty both at the same time. Good night for now.... and GOD BLESS YOU TOO!
Monday, March 19, 2007
sedih dan gembira
dia menemaniku
sama-sama termenung
aku tolong menyalakan rokoknya
berdua dalam lewat gelap malam
tanpa lampu limpah
tanpa bunyi runut
tanpa penonton
teringat pula gembira
ada waktunya dia muncu
lnamun aku minta dia pulang
beri aku masa
aku perlu bersama sedih
banyak yang dia dapat beritahu
banyak yang aku perlu beritahu
buat tika ini
maafkan aku gembira
sampai kita ketemu lagi
di lain kali
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
air mata android
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Sejak kebelakangan ini aku terasa macam berada dalam persimpangan karier aku. Benda ni memang aku tak pernah beritahu sesiapa. Mungkin ia disebabkan aku kehilangan inspirasi atau motivasi aku yang mundur.
Aku tidak tahu apa alasan yang patut diberikan kerana alasan tetap alasan. Orang tidak mahu tanya kenapa kau datang lewat atau kenapa kau tidak siapkan kerja yang diberikan. Mereka mahu melihat hasil. Sebarang alasan yang diberikan hanya bukti kelemahan.
Jadi inilah aku, dengan sebuah snow cap hijau menutup kepala aku yang botak, mengadap komputer ofis pada pukul 4.30 petang hari Ahad dan meluahkan segala permasalahan yang memeningkan kepala otak aku.
Hendak kata aku tak cukup rehat, cuti aku boleh dikatakan banyak. Sayangnya, cuti itu adalah cuti dengan aku terus terperuk dalam rumah. Hampir majoriti masa dihabiskan pada playstation aku beli tahun lalu. Sesekali aku membelek buku-buku di rak yang aku baru sahaja susun namun seleranya nak membacanya tidak ada.
APa nak jadi dengan aku??????????? ARGHHHHHHhhHHHhhhHHHhhhHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! kepada sesiapa yang tersesat dalam blog aku ni, minta maaf, tidak banyak pengetahuan yang dikongsi bersama, hanya masalah kebosanan hidup sahaja dimasukkan ke dalam.
Buat masa ini, setiap kali aku pulang ke rumah, aku biasanya akan memainkan cd album terbaru Yusuf Islam. A.K.A Cat Steven dalam kereta untuk menenangkan jiwa aku. Berhasil namun tidak lebih untuk sementara. Aku suka bait-bait liriknya. Dia menyentuh hal-hal hidup yang semua kita inginkan.
Ohhh... terlalu lama aku meninggal dunia blog ini sehingga aku lupa untuk mengucapkan selamat datang 2007. Sememangnya tahun terbaik untuk memulakan kembali projek-projek yang sudah berhabuk berdebu aku tinggalkan sebelum ini.
Aku ada terfikir untuk menulis sesuatu mengenai kehidupan di bandar raya metropolitan. Aku bakal namakannya sebagai 'KL Jam'. Kisah hidup anak muda di kota raya. Dalam melalui kehidupan yang penuh dengan kesombongan dan dara muda yang dahagakan kehidupan. Aku tidak melalui semua itu tapi aku akan cuba imaginasikannya.
Kemungkinan mengenai bagaimana kau sesuaikan kehidupan selepas melalui alam pendidikan. Masa untuk melihat dunia sebenar. Realiti kehidupan bekerja yang menuntut kau memberi untuk memperolehi. Sesak rasanya untuk melalui semua itu. Namun dalam waktu tertentu, watak-watak dalam cerita ini akan berhenti sebentar untuk meluahkan perasaan di studio jamming. Sebab itu aku namakannya 'KL Jam'. Soundtrack dalam citer ni mesti best punyo. Rancak sesuai dengan jiwa muda.
----draf awal citer-----