Monday, November 02, 2015

di sini hari ini

di sini hari ini,
engkau menjadi saksi,
sama seperti semalam,
sama seperti kelmarin,
sama ketika bermula tarikh 29 Mei 1939,
engkau menjadi saksi kepada bangsaku..
yang dijajah,
yang tertidur,
yang bangkit,
yang menginsafi...
Suratkhabar ini mesti terbit!
jerit satu suara,
Biar kota ini tenggelam kerana banjir,
Walau kota ini terkepung dengan darah-darah mengalir,
Suratkhabar ini mesti terbit!
Agar bangsaku mengerti,
perjuangan ini tidak pernah padam.
Majulah bangsaku yang merdeka,
Jadilah dirimu bijaksana,
Ambillah segala pengorbananku,
Suratkhabar ini mesti terbit!

Thursday, July 02, 2015


When i start working at JB, it was really fun at the first year. Everything is new and exciting. But when you enter the second year, you begin too see everything is almost repetitive. The event is still the same, the script is copied but what change maybe the person involved.

When it comes to third year, you kinda become sick and bored to death for witnessing the same thing all over again and again.

Well my friend, that is how pathetic life would be when you don't have any other life beside your work. The same thing happen when i'm working at Muar. The same three year circle. The process damages your internal slowly without your even realized its happening. Things however change when i came back working at KL.

As you can see, this blog is what i can desribed as a medium for me to talk to someone or anyone, about something or anything, that is totally important and unimportant, both at the same time. It is my outlet or something like saviour for my soul.

Well, if this blog is very meaningful, then why i kept silence for this several years? It's easy. I met someone that i can speak too. And what is more, i can actually listen what that someone what to say. In fact, most of time, i was listening rather speaking. It reserverd more energy eventually.

And so, with me having a life apart from my job,  this road is not lonely no more. I do believe i become matured (yes, that is what i want to believe and you can't argue that). There's always something to do, and what's more, there's always a space you want to escape rather than dreading yourself unwillingly into infinite emptiness and dullness.

I really like to thank the AlMighthy for such a wonderful gift. It was never in my plan. Well, there's a little. However, it's nice someone who is real to be with. It's.. life changing. It's deeper conversation.

Friday, June 19, 2015

good will hunting

I don't know how long has it been, but trully, it's been that long. That really long. A lot had happen, A lot had change, but some does remain the same.

I still push hard to wake up early, but as the age came by, it is much easier to fall asleep at night, during my younger days, even at 4 AM, i can still open my eyes.

But then, you surely don't want to hear me rambling. I still loves movies, only that i'm not assiduous watcher anymore. (hmm.. what does assiduous means?). Anyway, i also lost my passion in music. In other word, i have become another dull lame human being.

Man.. I do miss those moment. The time i feel that i'm a part of an intelectual or art movement that indulge in the meaning of life. Yes, it is pretentious. It's more of a poser. But at that time.. what i really want is.. I don't want to be alone.

Time flies so fast, that if i put in writing, this posting should become a journal if to conclude this phase of my life. Owh, and I do enjoy food, even there's a lot of great cooking lately. I'm addicted on several games on Ipad but the real me is very competitive on ping pong. The real game of course, not any simulation computer graphic game, whatsover.

In this fasting month, when you can't smoke on day light, there's seems a lot of thoughts that is catching up with me. I hate not to be able to ignore it with nicotine, but i guess, i need to get to used it, if i want to quit someday.

However, the real time that my mind flies around is while i ride my bike (my scooter actually). It does feel lonely (not to be able to listen any radio), and so, i will sing to myself any song that reflect what i call my youth or my generation (i do feel old lately). 'If', is one of it. that is one really good tune.