Monday, April 09, 2007

we are not saint nor devil

Why do people keep on doing stupid thing? They blame on circumstances for all that happen. As it is destined for them to doom. It is really sad to see how we end up in a trap that we can't escape. I hate to find out someone that I loved and cherished get stucked with drugs and booze. They say it more of escapism. I would like to tell them that it is more of killing yourself in slower way. There should be a better way to escape. A path that can let you see the other side of picture. It's not worth it in damaging yourself. Problem will just kept on coming. You can never beat sadness and frustration like that. I hear all the time that time will heal. It trully does. But at the same time, don't let the healing process delayed. Be Brave and get out from it. Get On with Life. Seek out New Interest. Seek out new Challenge. And most importantly, Cherish your Life. Don't be selfish cause there are others that loves you too beside yourself.