Wednesday, March 02, 2011

mixed feeling

here i am,
i can't say that i'm the saddest person,
it's not that bad,
although it's not that funny
there's nothing to laugh out of loud,
but probably,
with something to smile,
given good time or bad time ,
i think i can get through this,
it's not the end,
as they say,
what is more,
it's not the whole story,
it's just pieces,
in truth,
mixed feeling never should be together,
but it's there,
and actually,
it's reality,
of where i am


Anonymous said...

Sahabat .... kita xleh ubah org but kita leh ubah diri sendiri 4 better ....
(ps: cuba2 ar ko dgr lagu laskar pelangi k ...)

don se said...

baikkkkkkkkkk anonymous,

don se said...

it's hard to explain this mixed thing, i mean, i wake up really late today (12 pm) because of despair, (and mild depression)but my friends rang me to buy me lunch, (seriously, the food is really good)later, i went to the beautiful mosque for Zohor, as I about to feel serene and calm, i feel afraid because, later on, we also solat jenazah for a death (it's different when you see death with your own eye), i went to the office, with lack of motivation and a lil bit of despair, however, i still manage to write down the story about last night assignment, but here i am, postponing myself to make the monthly claim, delaying the monetary reward that i'm entitled for all the hard work that i've done, to think back, it's hard to explain, it's a mixed feeling.